How to Make Plastic Fridge Drawers Slide Smoothly – 9 Tips

Difficulty opening and closing fridge drawers is a common problem. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to make plastic fridge drawers slide smoothly, using some simple tools and tricks. Read on to learn more!

How to Make Plastic Fridge Drawers Slide Smoothly

Check below all the possible reasons why your plastic fridge drawers are not sliding smoothly and follow the tips to fix them

How to Make Plastic Fridge Drawers Slide Smoothly

1. Seal Not Intact

If the seal around the fridge drawer is not intact, then cool air will escape every time you open the drawer, causing condensation to form. This condensation will then freeze, making it difficult to open the drawer. To fix this, simply check the seal and replace it if necessary.

2. Check the Drawer Runners

The first thing to do if your fridge drawer is sticking is to check the drawer runners. These are the parts of the drawer that slide in and out on rails. If they are dirty or damaged, it can cause the drawer to stick. To clean them, simply remove the drawer and wipe them down with a damp cloth. If they are damaged, you may need to replace them.

3. Check the Drawer seal

Another reason why your fridge drawer may be sticking is if the drawer seal is not sealing properly. The seal is the rubber or plastic strip that runs around the edge of the drawer and helps to keep the cold air in. If it is damaged or not sealing properly, cold air can escape and cause the drawer to stick. To check the seal, simply close the drawer and try to pull it out. If there is resistance, then the seal is probably fine. However, if the drawer slides out easily, then the seal needs to be replaced.

4. Adjust the Drawer Runners

If the drawer runners are not aligned properly, it can cause the drawer to stick. To adjust them, simply remove the drawer and then loosen or tighten the screws that hold the runners in place. Once you have adjusted them, replace the drawer and try sliding it in and out. If it still sticks, repeat the process until the drawer slides smoothly.

5. Use a Lubricant

If the drawer runners are clean and the seal is intact, but the drawer still sticks, then you may need to use a lubricant. WD-40 is a good option, as it will not damage the plastic. Simply spray a small amount onto the runners and then slide the drawer in and out a few times. The lubricant will help to loosen any dirt or grime that may be causing the drawer to stick.

6. Place a Towel Under the Drawer

If the drawer is still sticking, despite your best efforts, then you can try placing a towel under the drawer. This will help to cushion the drawer and prevent it from sticking. Simply place the towel under the drawer and then slide it in and out. If it still sticks, you may need to use a different method.

7. Use Hot Water

If the drawer is made of plastic, you can try using hot water to loosen it. Simply fill a bowl or sink with hot water and place the drawer in it. Let the drawer soak for a few minutes and then try sliding it in and out. The heat from the water will help to loosen any dirt or grime that is causing the drawer to stick.

8. Use a Hairdryer

If you don’t have access to hot water, you can try using a hairdryer. Simply heat up the hairdryer and then hold it close to the drawer runners. The heat from the hair dryer will help to loosen any dirt or grime that is causing the drawer to stick. Once the drawer is loose, slide it in and out a few times to cool it down and prevent it from sticking again.

9. Use a Heat Gun

If you have a heat gun, you can use this to loosen the drawer. Simply point the heat gun at the drawer runners and turn it on. The heat from the gun will help to loosen any dirt or grime that is causing the drawer to stick. Once the drawer is loose, slide it in and out a few times to cool it down and prevent it from sticking again.

Some Related Questions and Answers

1. Why is my plastic fridge drawer sticking?

There are several reasons why a plastic fridge drawer might stick, including a damaged drawer seal, misaligned drawer runners, or dirt and grime build-up.

2. How can I fix a sticking plastic fridge drawer?

There are several ways that you can fix a sticking plastic fridge drawer, including adjusting the drawer runners, using a lubricant, or placing a towel under the drawer.

3. What is the best way to prevent my plastic fridge drawer from sticking?

The best way to prevent your plastic fridge drawer from sticking is to regularly clean it and make sure that the drawer runners are aligned properly.


If your plastic fridge drawer is sticking, there are several things that you can do to fix it. First, try adjusting the drawer runners. If this doesn’t work, you can try using a lubricant or placing a towel under the drawer. If these methods don’t work, you can try using hot water, a hairdryer, or a heat gun. If all else fails, you can try using boiling water. However, be careful not to burn yourself

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